ABNMS2015 Call for Abstracts (deadline extended)

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Joined:April 2015
ABNMS2015 Call for Abstracts (deadline extended)

Post by steven.mascaro » Sep 10, 2015 1:51pm

The deadline for abstract submissions for the ABNMS2015 conference has been extended to Monday, September 14th. We encourage you to submit an abstract for a presentation and to circulate this email to others.

Details about the Call for Abstracts and the conference are available on the ABNMS 2015 web site:


You can submit your abstract via the EasyChair submission page:


It's an easy process to sign up on EasyChair if you don't already have a login.

ABNMS is offering 4 travel grants to attend the tutorials and conference. Awards will be for $250 to $500 to contribute to the costs of travel to and from the conference. Three Student Grants will be awarded and one 2015 Travel Grant will be awarded for any person who attended the ABNMS pre-conference tutorials in 2014 in Rotorua, New Zealand and will present in 2015.

We hope to see you in Melbourne!


Call for Abstracts and Participation
November 23 - 24, 2015: Pre-Conference Workshop
November 25 - 26, 2015: Conference
Monash University, Caulfield, Melbourne (Australia)

The organising committee for ABNMS 2015 is pleased to invite the submission of abstracts.

Abstracts are invited from all fields. Past presentations have covered a wide range of disciplines including environmental management, geology, law, ecology and medicine, and a variety of technical aspects on methods of development, data mining, linking GIS with Bayesian Networks, and lessons learned from particular BN projects.

Those beginning to use Bayesian networks are invited to present prospective projects for discussion.

Key Dates

Call for abstracts:
31st July 2015

Abstract submission deadline:
14th September 2015 (extended)

Decision on abstracts:
21st September 2015 (extended)

Deadline for conference registration (including pre-conference tutorials):
1st October 2015 (extended)

23-24 November 2015
(Monash University, Caulfield campus Lab K1.10)

25-26 November 2015
(Monash University, Caulfield campus Lecture Theatre H1.25)

Abstracts for ABNMS 2015 should be no longer than 300 words. Please submit your abstracts via https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=abnms2015.

Include the title of your presentation, authors, affiliations, contact details for the corresponding author and abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and explicit, covering the aims, methods, results and main conclusions of the work. The abstract should not contain figures, tables or references.

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