About the Microsoft Bayesian Network Editor MSBNx
Posted: Sep 15, 2015 11:15pm
MSBNx is a component-based Windows application for creating, assessing, and evaluating Bayesian Networks, created at Microsoft Research.The application's installation module includes complete help files and sample networks.Bayesian Networks are encoded in an XML file format. The application and its components run on Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
When doing diagnosis and troubleshooting, MSBNx can recommend what evidence to gather next.If you give MSBNx cost information, it does a cost-benefit analysis. If no cost information is available, MSBNx makes recommendations based on the Value of Information (VOI).
MSBNx tries to make it easy for you to specify your probabilities for a Bayesian Network.
- With the Standard Assessment Tool, you can specify full and causally independent probability distributions.
- With the Asymmetric Assessment Tool, you can avoid specifying redundant probabilities.
- If you have sufficient data and use machine learning tools to create Bayesian Networks, you can use MSBNx to edit and evaluate the results.
MSBNx is fully component based. Its most important component is MSBN3, an ActiveX DLL. MSBN3 offers an extensive COM-based API for editing and evaluating Bayesian Networks. You'll find MSBN3 especially easy to use from COM-friendly languages such as Visual Basic and JScript.
MSBNx also includes graphical components, for example, both the Standard Assessment and Asymmetric Assessment tools are ActiveX controls and can be used in other applications.
Also, you can extend the editing and evaluation abilities of MSBNx by creating add-ins. For example, MSBNx ships with an add-in for editing and evaluating Hidden Markov Models.
Learn more about this tool at: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/ ... apt/msbnx/
When doing diagnosis and troubleshooting, MSBNx can recommend what evidence to gather next.If you give MSBNx cost information, it does a cost-benefit analysis. If no cost information is available, MSBNx makes recommendations based on the Value of Information (VOI).
MSBNx tries to make it easy for you to specify your probabilities for a Bayesian Network.
- With the Standard Assessment Tool, you can specify full and causally independent probability distributions.
- With the Asymmetric Assessment Tool, you can avoid specifying redundant probabilities.
- If you have sufficient data and use machine learning tools to create Bayesian Networks, you can use MSBNx to edit and evaluate the results.
MSBNx is fully component based. Its most important component is MSBN3, an ActiveX DLL. MSBN3 offers an extensive COM-based API for editing and evaluating Bayesian Networks. You'll find MSBN3 especially easy to use from COM-friendly languages such as Visual Basic and JScript.
MSBNx also includes graphical components, for example, both the Standard Assessment and Asymmetric Assessment tools are ActiveX controls and can be used in other applications.
Also, you can extend the editing and evaluation abilities of MSBNx by creating add-ins. For example, MSBNx ships with an add-in for editing and evaluating Hidden Markov Models.
Learn more about this tool at: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/ ... apt/msbnx/